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The structural timber at Supreme is machined purposely for structural applications. Lightweight and strong, with its range of applications including roof joists, floor joists, framework, trusses and studwork for partitioned walls, structural timber is the ideal environmentally sustainable material that meets the needs of almost every building, domestic or commercial. Structural timber comes in various forms, it is usually manufactured out of spruce or pine and has many applications which involve using it for various elements of construction. Structural timber can be treated and untreated. The pressure treated structural timber will last longer than the untreated because it has protection against rot and decay. Graded timber is suitable for stress and load bearing applications. The grading process divides timber into several classes depending on strength. In the UK customers can choose between C16, C24 and TR26 with the last two ranking higher in structural grade. Graded timber is kiln dried and all excess moisture is removed. C24 graded is the prodoment strength that is stocked at Supreme.